Our musicians
Our musicians
Behind our fantastic musical programme is a dedicated team of musicians, performing, planning services, conducting and teaching our choirs and more.
The Music department at St Paul’s is responsible for both playing and coordinating all the music you hear in the Cathedral – from the choral pieces that form the backbone of our services, to our regular organ recitals.
The team also engages children and young people through their schools in the magic of choral singing. Below, you can learn about our key musicians.
Andrew Carwood MBE
Director of Music
Andrew Carwood MBE is the first non-organist to lead the music at St Paul's since the 12th century. He has gained a reputation as one of the most versatile musicians of his generation, having had an illustrious career as a singer before focussing attention on conducting and choral direction.
He trained as a choral scholar at St John's College, Cambridge, and was a lay clerk at Christ Church, Oxford and Westminster Cathedral, before becoming Director of Music at the Brompton Oratory. As a conductor his reputation was established with The Cardinall's Musick and together the three-time Gramophone award winners continue to perform throughout the UK and Europe.
William Fox
Acting Organist and Assistant Director of Music
Before joining St Paul's, William was the Organ Scholar of Magdalen College, Oxford, from where he graduated with a first-class degree in Music. Previously, he held Organ Scholarships at Hereford Cathedral, and at Wells Cathedral while at school. William is a prize-winning fellow of the Royal College of Organists, and was recently appointed a Junior Fellow of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. William is active as an organ recitalist in the UK and abroad, and his playing has been broadcast on BBC Radio and Television.
William Bruce
Artistic Director of Choral Partnerships
William Bruce leads our acclaimed music partnership programme, sharing sacred music with thousands of children in schools and communities across London and beyond. The programme brings children to sing in worship and at events at the Cathedral. Until recently Will was a Choral Director for the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme, widely recognised as one of the leading choral education programmes in the country through its work with over 6,500 children weekly in areas of social marginalisation and economic deprivation. Before Leeds, Will gained a first-class Music degree from King's College London and graduated with distinction from the University of Birmingham’s Choral Conducting Masters programme, under the tutelage of Simon Halsey CBE
Martin Ford
Acting Sub-Organist
Martin Ford is the Acting Sub-Organist of St Paul’s Cathedral. He is also the Organist & Director of Music at The Guards’ Chapel, Birdcage Walk, where he directs the twelve-voice professional choir. His wide-ranging freelance career encompasses a variety of work as an organist, piano accompanist, choral director and teacher. Martin read Music at Oxford University, graduating with a first-class degree, before continuing his studies on the Masters programme at the Royal College of Music. He has held organ scholarships at Southwark Cathedral and Magdalen College, Oxford, the positions of Assistant Organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields and Westminster Abbey, and Acting Sub-Organist of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford.
Alexander Knight
Organ Scholar
Alexander Knight has just completed his studies at the Royal College of Music for a Master of Performance degree, graduating with distinction and achieving the Harold Darke Prize for organ. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists and studied Music as Organ Scholar of Queens’ College, Cambridge before holding the Organ Scholarship at Southwark Cathedral. From 2016 to 2023 Alex was Organist and Director of Music at St Mary Magdalene, Richmond and continues as Musical Director for Treble Chefs. Alex will also begin his role as Accompanist for the Petros Singers in September 2023.
Jeremiah Stephenson
Organ Education Lead
Jeremiah Stephenson has a passion for introducing children to the organ and building with them an appreciation of the instrument’s diverse repertoire. As an accredited teacher of the Royal College of Organists, he currently teaches four groups of state school students, whose lessons are sponsored by the Royal College of Organists’ Inspiring Organists scheme: Union Chapel Islington, the Church of Our Lady St John’s Wood and the St John Kennington Organ Studentship Scheme. Jeremiah combines this work with a busy freelance career of international recitals and the post of Associate Director of Music at All Saints Margaret Street.