Our terms and conditions apply when pre-booking sightseeing admission tickets, event tickets or concert tickets from St Paul’s Cathedral.
Booking tickets FAQ
Booking tickets FAQ
On this page, you will find information about how to book and amend tickets, the different concessions and complimentary tickets we offer, and more.
If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page, please get in touch with our Sales and Admissions team on admissions@stpaulscathedral.org.uk – we will be happy to help.
Some of these frequently asked questions are answered on the basis that you have booked tickets directly with St Paul’s Cathedral. When that is not the case, we will try our best to help – but you may need to refer your questions to the organisation you bought from.
Booking a sightseeing ticket
Amending your ticket
Preparing for your visit
Coming to services
Tickets for specific visitors
Using offers, vouchers and Clubcard partner codes
More on booking tickets

Book your tickets
From family tickets to gifts for friends, see the many options available for sightseeing tickets. Our booking website also allows you to purchase tour tickets, and guidebooks in multiple languages.