Visit our learning library Film and video City Economics Flourishing Inequality London Mental health Wellbeing Adults A New Beginning? Recovering well after the pandemic How can London can be a place of flourishing for all people – culturally, economically, justly - as we move forwards from the pandemic? Remote video URL Also in this theme Film and video Liveable London: Wellbeing, Resilience & City Life What makes London a resilient city that can so successfully stand the test of time? What does it mean for a city of such size and popularity to be liveable? To what extent did London's very success influence the result of the 2016 EU referendum? What are the factors beyond economics that make a city great? Find out more Film and video Climate Change: Building the Will for Action Key players discuss the importance of collective action on climate change. Whether we are students, investors, entrepreneurs, policy makers, neighbours or people of faith this panel urges us to show tough love and take responsibility for our planet's future. Filmed in 2014, its themes resonate more now than ever. Find out more Film and video #MeToo: Two Years On An all women panel asks whether the #MeToo movement has led to meaningful change in gender politics in business, culture and society. Find out more