The King and Queen attend service at St Paul’s Cathedral honouring members of the Order of the British Empire

Press release
15th May 2024

The King and Queen attend service at St Paul’s Cathedral honouring members of the Order of the British Empire

Their Majesties The King and Queen attended St Paul’s Cathedral on the 15th May, for a Service of Dedication for the Order of the British Empire.

Their Majesties The King and Queen with the Dean and Bishop of London at the OBE Service

Established by King George V in 1917 to reward outstanding contributions to the war effort, the Order of the British Empire now recognises the work of people from all walks of life with well-known honours such as MBEs and OBEs, as well as Knighthoods and Damehoods.

The King is the Sovereign of the Order of the British Empire. The Queen is the Grand Master of the Order of the British Empire. 

The service was attended by almost two thousand people who are holders of the Orders awards (GBE, KBE, DBE, CBE, OBE, MBE, and British Empire Medal). With people joining the service from all parts of the UK and Commonwealth, as well as a number of honorary award holders.

Speaking following the service, the Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett, Dean of St Paul’s said:  

'All those who have been honoured as part of the Order of the British Empire have shown a real and enduring commitment to public service. It was a pleasure to be able to welcome so many to the Cathedral and to recognise their contributions to the common good. Their dedication and self-sacrifice have not only made a difference in the lives of countless individuals but have also inspired others to follow in their footsteps.'

Their Majesties The King and Queen with the Dean and Bishop of London at the OBE Service