Climate change
Climate change
Take action as a local faith community to care for our common home, through local campaigning, eco awards and more.
As a Cathedral we believe that care for the natural environment, which is God’s creation, is a fundamental duty for all Christians. Find out how you can do your bit to protect our world for future generations.

What can you do?
Become an Eco Church
A Rocha UK (ARUK) is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world and committed to equipping Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment. They run a project where churches can be awarded an ‘Eco Church’ badge, to show their dedication to tackling climate change and managing their carbon foot print.
To start your journey:
- watch their introductory seminar about how you can get started on your eco church journey
- visit the Eco Church website where you can find out more and register for an award
- if you are based in the Diocese of London, contact who can put you in touch with your local area lead.
Support Christian Aid’s Climate Change campaign
We understand that our actions and lifestyles disproportionately impact communities in the global south. Christian Aid campaign on the issue of climate justice, with a particular focus on how environmental damage and pollution affect the world’s poorest communities. Their website gives a myriad of campaigning resources, including activity ideas, fundraising opportunities and guidance on engaging with MPs.
Our work on climate change
- We have taken steps to improve our eco-footprint by making a range of effective changes to our everyday work and ensuring that sustainability is a consideration across all the work that we do.
- We have been awarded Eco Church Bronze level status and are working towards Silver level.
- We inspire and encourage action for change through a programme of events, talks and workshops.
- We collaborate with Christian Aid to support public campaigning and advocacy on this issue.
- We bring our concerns for Earth, our common home, and all the created order, to God in prayer through our music and worship.
Our resources on climate change

A Liberation Movement for the Earth
Drawing as well from the great liberation theologians and womanist theologians, Anupama Ranawana examines the connections between climate, poverty, race and colonisation.

Julian Of Norwich: Environmental Wisdom for the 21st Century
Claire Gilbert explores how Julian of Norwich’s spirituality can help awaken and transform our ecological consciousness.

Climate Change: Building the Will for Action
Key players discuss the importance of collective action on climate change. Whether we are students, investors, entrepreneurs, policy makers, neighbours or people of faith this panel urges us to show tough love and take responsibility for our planet's future. Filmed in 2014, its themes resonate more now than ever.

Joining the Song of Creation: St Francis of Assisi and his Canticle of Creation (Part One)
Brother Sam SSF introduces St Francis and his great hymn of praise to God.
Recorded live at St Paul’s reflective day.

Joining the Song of Creation: St Francis of Assisi and his Canticle of Creation (Part Two)
Br Sam SSF explores the last verses of St Francis’ Canticle of Creation, about peace, peacemaking, and death. Recorded live at St Paul’s reflective day.

Listening to the Voice of Creation
Bishop Graham Usher reflects on how we can listen to the Voice of Creation in a time of climate change.

Christian learning resources
Find films, podcasts and written reflections exploring a huge range of subjects in our learning library – from Rowan Williams’ talk ‘Jesus Christ: The Unanswered Questions to A Spirituality of the Body’ to David Suchet’s mesmerising reading of the whole of the Gospel According to Mark.